
The Career Services Department at AIHT Education is committed to support and assist all of our students. This is accomplished through a variety of career development activities including career counseling, externship placement, and job search assistance. Our ultimate goal is to prepare every AIHT student for a long, successful career in their chosen field.

What We Offer

Our Skilled professionals offer both career assistance as well as personalized guidance to both current and former students. Some of the many services you can expect to receive include:

  • Counselling
  • Career Orientation
  • Job Search Techniques
  • Resume Preparation
  • Interview Preparation & Interview tips and practice
  • Internships/Externships
  • Placement Referral
  • Job Interview Tips

Career Resources and Tools

Having the proper resources to conduct a successful job search can make a big difference. AIHT offers a variety of career resources and tools to its students and graduates. Some of these valuable resources include employer partnerships, job referrals, and career fairs.

Employer Partnerships and Job Referrals

Locating job opportunities that are the right match for your educational background and specific skill sets can be a challenging process. Luckily we have built up relationships and developed partnerships with a variety of employers in the healthcare field. These relationships allow us to expose our qualified students and alumni to numerous job opportunities.

Career Fairs

Attending a local or regional career fair is a wonderful opportunity to start networking and meet prospective employers face to face. In addition to hosting job fairs, we can also provide information on other career fairs in the area, including both local and regional events.

What Career Service Does Not Offer

The role of Career Services is not to act as an employment agency. We provide students with the tools, resources and opportunities to find internships, jobs and appropriate advice, but ultimately students are the ones responsible for their “placement” or outcome.

Academic Programs at AIHT

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AIHT is a leading institute for healthcare training in Connecticut. Our comprehensive program offerings, experienced faculty and opportunity-rich courses give students the tools they need to succeed in their fields.