3 Ways to Advance Your Medical Assistant Career

The Medical assisting field is expected to grow at 23 percent through 2024. Training as a medical assistant can open doors to a wide array of future careers. Those who choose to move into other areas of the medical field can do so with medical assisting training as a great foundation.

The medical field offers many essential jobs, therefore there are many opportunities for those looking to work in this career. Once you are employed as a medical assistant, you may wonder how to advance as a medical assistant? Here are three simple ways on how to gain a career edge:

1. Look for training options

Look for training options

Search online for local training sessions that can help improve your current skill set. Consider training sessions in everything from CPR classes or refresher courses for billing and coding. Ask your co-worker or your supervisor about training opportunities. You may even be able to find a free training session that your current employer offers.

Continuing education (CE) credits help keep you up-to-date on the latest changes in the healthcare landscape and could count toward certification renewal. Remember to add to your resume your updated courses and certifications.

2. Develop professional skills

Develop professional skills

When given the opportunity to do something new, take it! There could be a new machine in the office or new billing system, be the first to learn how to master it. Showing your supervisor that you are excited to learn, it builds trust and proves your dedication to the job.

Medical assistants who have significant training and experience could be promoted to a management role. For example, a medical assistant could be promoted to a clinical supervisor. This role supports medical staff in their personal and professional development and in reflecting on their practice. Top-notch clinical supervisors provide a safe and confidential environment for staff to reflect on and discuss their work and their personal and professional responses to their work.

Many organizations are now offering career laddering opportunities for medical assistants with elevated responsibilities and pay.

3. Never Stop Learning!

Never Stop Learning

Continue to improve your skills while you consider getting further education.

Learning new skills isn’t just about job security and higher pay, it’s about patient satisfaction, and that translates into admiration from employers and coworkers. Moving into another area of healthcare might be easier than you think. For instance, someone who wants to be a nurse or ultrasound technologist can learn a great deal of hands-on skills while working as a medical assistant.

Medical assisting is a great career choice for someone who is interested in helping others and who wants to get trained and in the job market quickly. There’s always the option of being a medical assistant for the long haul. After all, medical assistants are in demand and an essential part of healthcare. We’re always going to need them! “Advancement” can mean many things to many people. If you want to advance into a job that offers security, good pay, and a chance to make a difference in the lives of others, then become a medical assistant.

AIHT Education is an allied healthcare training school in Stratford CT. To learn more about our Medical Assistant training programs visit our website at www.aiht.edu