3 Key Responsibilities of a Patient Care Technician

Patient Care Technicians are often the primary caregiver for patients in long-term care facilities and hospitals. Usually, they work with a doctor and other health professionals. Their major task is to monitor the hygiene of the patients. They also assist them with the mobility issues by aiding them into wheelchairs, getting them in and out of bed, or assisting them during exercise. In a traditional setting, hospitals are the ones who employ patient care technicians. But this scenario has changed recently. Even community organizations, laboratories, and clinics have started increasing their PCT staff. The work task keeps differing for each setup.

The 3 main focuses that a PCT are responsible for are listed as below:

1. Assisting with Patients
They must have knowledge and training of CNA but differ from a CNA in the manner that they can provide advanced care. They take care of patients in the realms of rehabilitation, pediatric care, obstetric care, psychiatric care, urinary care, and many more!

2. Drawing Blood
A full range of phlebotomy services can also be provided by PCT if required by their patients. They are well-versed in venipuncture techniques and can be responsible for obtaining blood, urine and other specimens from patients. This can then be submitted to the laboratory for further testing and diagnosis.

3. Perform Electrocardiographic Testing
A PCT performs electrocardiographic testing and are also capable of conducting rhythm and 12 lead EKG testing. These electrocardiograms are then evaluated and interpreted by a PCT. Assisting in the care and testing of cardiovascular patients and heart disease is one of the most interesting facets of the Patient Care Technician position.

The National Health Career Association certifies Patient Care Technicians. As with any healthcare profession having a national certification gives the PCT a professional designation. Want to learn more about the Patient Care Technician program, AIHT is the destination to boost your career.