Pros and Cons of Being a Medical Biller and Coder

Becoming a medical biller and coder is an alluring career prospect as the healthcare sector is growing swiftly. The demand for competent specialists has ascended in the previous few years and is anticipated to advance further.

Although medical billers and coders are not directly involved in ministering to patients, they still have an imperative role as backend assets in the healthcare system.

As per Bureau of Labor Statistics, The job market for medical records specialists is expected to expand by 8 percent by 2032, which is a quicker pace compared to the average growth rate across all job sectors. This projection indicates a robust demand for professionals in this field over the next decade.

This article will be substantial if you are convinced to seek this career opportunity and wish to assess the pros and cons of being a medical biller and coder. But before we get into the precise analysis, let us first apprehend the role of the professional.

Role of Medical Biller and Coder

The medical biller and coder work closely with other medical specialists to assure a seamless approach and the best cure for patients. The professional digitally records and transcribes vital information, such as the patient’s ailment when he visits the clinic, along with the doctor’s diagnosis and advised prescription, so that there are not any disparities when the insurance company comes forward to disburse the bills and claims.

The coder also allows an alphanumerical code to the patient’s details, which makes it easy to refer to the case in the future whenever needed. It indeed is a crucial part since it helps streamline the healthcare process and makes data access easier for healthcare professionals which can be shared with anyone as per requirement.

Related Article:- Medical Billing and Coding Main Job Responsibilities

Insurance companies extensively use the data to file claims and pay the healthcare organization for the treatment that the patient gets. Therefore, it would not be wrong to say that the efficiency of the biller and coder has a direct impact on the operational and financial aspects of the facility.

On the other hand, patients stay stress-free as correct information reaches the insurance provider, and they do not have to worry about the bills during the treatment.

Once the insurance provider settles the claim, the biller and coder generate the remaining amount that the patient needs to pay. Hence, its accuracy is of great importance for the best experience.

A profession as a medical coder or biller is reassuring, but it also comes with commitments, so you ought to be keen to take up new challenges every day.

Now that we have understood the profile let us discuss the advantages and disadvantages of medical coding and billing. This will help you evaluate this career option and comprehend if it is pursuing a bright future.

Related Article:- Reasons To Start A Career In Medical Billing And Coding

Pros of Medical Coding and Billing Profession

Here are the pros of a professional medical coder and biller.

Quick training programs from reputed institutions

Most healthcare jobs call for extensive education over the years, but this does not apply to becoming a medical coder and biller. You can enrol in a program, gain knowledge, and acquire the certification in a few months. A well-designed program gives the students insight into details and practical skills that they would need over time.

Availability of online courses

Accredited institutions offer online training and certification, which enables you to get the best education online. This is possible since you do not need any clinical experience.

Affordable certification

Most medical billing and coding programs are affordable, so even if you have limited funds, you can pursue this training program without any financial burden, which also keeps you at peace of mind.

Can work remotely

A biller and coder does not need to interact with the patient directly, and hence, you can work remotely from your home. You save a lot of time and effort, which makes it less stressful and thus enables achieving a work-life balance.

Good PayScale

The billers and coders get decent PayScale’s depending on their expertise and knowledge, so as you go ahead, you can explore new opportunities.


The role of the coder and biller is crucial, so expect stability to increase as you proceed in your career.

Flexible work schedule

As you work remotely, you have the flexibility to work and complete the tasks as per timelines but without any excess work pressure.

Constant learning

The medical billing and coding certification program gives insight into using technology to attain the best outcomes. However, you need to be an enthusiastic learner as technology evolves quickly, and software is regularly upgraded to enhance efficiency. Thus, you gain new skills and technical knowledge over time.

Not the end of the road

After pursuing the best medical billing and coding certification programs and gaining experience, you can advance in the field by upgrading your skills and opting for medical auditing, clinical management, and compliance or working as a consultant for multiple organizations. There are several growth prospects to explore, so you have a lot of options to choose from.

Related Article:- How to Become a Billing & Coding Specialist?

Cons of Medical Coding and Billing

Every coin has two sides, and thus, if we are discussing the pros, it is essential to weigh the cons associated with this career prospect. This will make you aware and ready for the challenges and let you make better decisions in the future. So, here are a few disadvantages of being a biller or coder:

Skill upgradation is a must

As a biller and coder, you work with software, and as technology evolves quickly, you need to be ready for skill upgradation by pursuing new certifications that would render skillset and capability to work with new programs efficiently. Therefore, if you pursue this career, you should be prepared to be a constant learner, which some people find challenging as they don’t want to get into the learning cycle again and again.

Technical training is a must

Most healthcare organizations prefer candidates with adequate technical training in addition to coding and billing certification. Thus, to match the job requirements, you should be tech-savvy and able to handle computer programs like a pro. Every organization uses different software and versions, so it may not be easy to adopt the approach quickly without technical expertise.

No scope of inaccuracy

As a medical biller and coder, it is your responsibility to ensure data accuracy since any discrepancies in this aspect can lead to complicated issues in the whole insurance claim process, which can be stressful for the patient and loss for the organization. Thus, you always have to maintain high levels of data accuracy and check every detail before submitting.

Long hours of computer usage

As a biller and coder, you would need to sit on your system for extended hours daily, which can be a concern for your health in the long run with issues in your eyes, back, neck, etc. All day sitting and no body movement can be lethargic. Exposure to the rays in the long term definitely affects your eyesight, and you need to take adequate measures to avoid any health concerns, as this may affect the quality of your life in the future.

Monotonous work patterns

If you love exploring new avenues in your job profile, the biller and coder position may not be the best choice for you. You need to be ready to work with the same type of information all day long, which can sometimes be tedious and definitely is a disadvantage.

Mental stress during workload

There will be several instances when the work inflow is higher than on other days. This is more prominent during times when some infection or illness prevails. You may feel stressed about managing the considerable data inflow and working on it within the given timeframe so that the insurance claims are settled on time.

As we highlight all the pros and cons of being a medical biller and coder, you may have ample knowledge of the expected role, required education, and skills that will make you eligible for this job profile.

When you choose a career, there must be some disadvantages, but if you know them beforehand, it becomes easy to evaluate the career option and see if you are a perfect fit for this role.

Related Article:- A Day in the Life of a Medical Coder

Choosing a Precise Career Path

It is time you analyze your skills and expectations for the future to decide if being a biller and coder will let you reach your future goal. If yes, go ahead and take a step ahead by enrolling in a training program.

When you choose a career path, it is crucial to evaluate the role and growth prospects since it will have a direct impact on your living in the long term. This also calls for self-analysis, where you should see if you possess the qualities and skillsets to fulfill the obligations of the role. Education and training can be acquired by registering in a training program.

However, this is achievable only when you have the zest to excel with your best efforts and invest your time to accomplish the best results. Your position as a coder and biller may not directly impact the patient’s treatment and recovery.

Still, it is critical to ensure that the person gets a seamless treatment with no glitches. Therefore, you need to acknowledge the importance of this career path and seek it only when you are convinced you will appreciate the role and are competent to meet the expectations as you grow ahead.

Related Article:- Is Medical Billing and Coding Right Career for You?

Key Takeaways

There are several institutions offering coding and billing courses, but you need to be selective since all programs are not the same. Some of them have to be better in terms of curriculum and hands-on training modules, so it becomes a requisite to choose the best one.

AIHT Education is the best medical billing and coding training institute in CT that offers comprehensive billing and medical courses to prepare its students for the real world. Contact us for more information regarding the medical courses.


1) What are the disadvantages of being a medical coder?

Some common disadvantages of medical coding are that you need to work on your computers all day long and that there is minimal interaction with other humans, which tends to make this profile monotonous and boring over time. Also, prolonged exposure to computer screens and sitting positions can induce health concerns like back pain, weak eyesight, etc.

2) What is the hardest thing about medical billing and coding?

As a medical biller and coder, you need to continually elevate your skills whenever a software update or new program is introduced for the process. This is the most challenging aspect, as you have to frequently go back to being a learner and work on your technical skills to work accurately and prove worthy to the healthcare organization.

3) Does medical coding have a future?

With an increasing number of operations becoming digital, the future of medical coding is bright. A coder transcribes the patient’s information into alphanumerical formats to make information access easy and quick. As the healthcare sector expands, digitalization is an inseparable aspect, and hence, the demand for coders and billers is set to grow, giving scope for growth.

4) Is medical coding a good career salary?

Medical coding requires technological know-how and expertise, which can only be acquired through relevant training programs. Since it requires a specific skill set, healthcare organizations are ready to offer attractive packages to deserving candidates. So, if you are a biller and coder, you can acquire positions with good salaries without much effort.

5) Is medical billing a good career?

Medical billing involves working with patients’ information and transforming it into accessible data that insurance companies can quickly use to pass claims and make payments for treatments. The healthcare sector has become organized and grown manifolds in the last few years; hence, demand for medical billers is on the rise, which makes it a promising career.

6) Is medical billing and coding a good career choice?

Medical coding and billing are a fantastic career alternative for professionals who desire to function in the healthcare industry but want to evade direct involvement in the treatment process. This job profile does not demand direct involvement with the patient, so you are mentally stress-free as you work on data and complete tasks regularly for the medical office.

7) What are the reasons to become a medical biller and coder?

Choosing a career as a medical biller and coder can be highly beneficial. The role is in high demand within the healthcare industry, ensuring job security. Training for this position is relatively quick, allowing for a faster entry into the workforce. It also offers competitive salaries and the possibility of flexible work arrangements, such as remote work options. As you gain experience, there are ample opportunities for career advancement. Moreover, the work is impactful, as it directly contributes to the accurate billing of healthcare services, which is essential for the financial sustainability of healthcare providers and the affordability of care for patients.