Self-care in Healthcare: Students Guide to Work-life balance

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused many changes and challenges in all of our lives. If you are a student now going into the healthcare field, you may be feeling a mix of emotions. This has been a understandably stressful time, and it’s totally normal to feel a little anxious, frightened, angry, or any other emotions you’re experiencing right now.

The stress of the pandemic makes it extra important to practice self-care. Self-care means taking care of yourself in order for you to be healthy, happy and safe. It is also about staying physically healthy, keeping good hygiene, healthy nutrition, and seeking medical aid when needed. May is Mental Health Awareness Month, so now is the perfect time to re-evaluated your current emotional well-being and start taking steps to improve your mental health.

1. Go Outside

Looking for an easy thanks to help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, and perhaps even improve your memory? Take a pleasant walk outside to enjoy some fresh air. There are numerous great hiking trails, beaches and parks in Connecticut just waiting to be explored. you’ll bring your Medical Terminology or Anatomy book with you and study while sitting outside. Researchers have found that health benefits of outside spaces on humans include improved pulse and vital sign , and improved sleep duration.

2. Listen to Music

Researchers have found that taking note of music helps organize the firing of nerve cells within the right half of the cerebral mantle , a part of the brain liable for higher functions, act as an “exercise” which warms up the chosen brain cells then allows them to process information more efficiently.

Researchers at the University of California did a study that investigated how listening to music can affect overall cognitive function. In their first study, they administered standard intelligence test inquiries to 3 groups of school aged students, comparing those that had spent 10 minutes taking note of a Mozart sonata and another group that had been taking note of a relaxation tape versus the last group that had been waiting with no music, just silence. The group that listened to Mozart consistently scored higher on the test scores. This is often famously referred to as the “Mozart Effect”.

So if you’re in the Ultrasound program preparing for your Sonography Principle and Instrumentation national exam, it may be a good idea to try to listen to a little Mozart before your exam date. You could also listen to your favorite song to spice up your brain power. Many studies have concluded that cheerful music can make people feel happy, energetic, and alert, and music even features a role in lifting one’s overall mood.

3. Put away the phone

Be present! It’s going to seem difficult, but it is so important to offer yourself adequate time to wind down screen-free and prioritize quiet time. Start small by limiting your screen time during the day. You could try “no screens” one hour in the morning or before bedtime. Pick up a book instead of scrolling through your phone when you’re ready to unwind.You could try meditating or making yourself a healthy, nourishing meal.

4. Exercise regularly

Mindful movement has been shown to alleviate stress in many studies. Exercise increases cardiovascular activity, burns extra calories, but most importantly, it releases endorphins in the brain, which have a role in reducing stress and managing depression, as well as decreases the stress hormones in the body, like cortisol. There are so many fun workout routines you can find online to change up your current routine. You could try to set a challenge for you and your friends to get 10,000 steps a day or 20 push-ups in a row. Setting new challenges for yourself helps keep you physically and mentally active.

Find what works for you to strike a balance. Don’t wait until your battery is drained to practice self-care, be proactive and prioritize yourself! You’ll feel better, and you’ll be a far better student for it. For more information, you can contact us.